Heather Crandall, Ph.D.

Professor of Communication Studies

Heather Crandall teaches courses in Rhetoric in Civic Life, Understanding Meaning-Making, Analyzing Public Texts and Discourse, The Rhetoric of Social Change, and Senior Seminar. Professor Crandall serves as the book review editor of Communication Research...

Profile Photo of Professor Heather Crandall

Contact Information

  • Office Hours Spring 2024

    Monday: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
    Tuesday: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
    Wednesday: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
    or by Zoom appointment

  • (509) 313-6491

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Interdisciplinary Ph.D., Media Studies, Rhetoric, and American Studies. Washington State University

M.A., Communication Studies, Washington State University

B.A., Communication Studies, Washington State University

Courses Taught

Rhetoric in Civic Life

Understanding Meaning-Making

Analyzing Public Texts and Discourse

The Rhetoric of Social Change

Capstone Senior Seminar

Heather Crandall teaches courses in Rhetoric in Civic Life, Understanding Meaning-Making, Analyzing Public Texts and Discourse, The Rhetoric of Social Change, and Senior Seminar. Professor Crandall serves as the book review editor of Communication Research Trends. She is an affiliate faculty in the Women's and Gender Studies Department, and she serves on the board of the Northwest Alliance for Media Literacy. Dr. Crandall earned her interdisciplinary Ph.D. in American Studies, Communication, and Rhetoric from Washington State University. Her research interests include rhetoric and social change, communication pedagogy, and techno-ecofeminism.

Select Publications

Crandall, H. M. & Cunningham C. (accepted for publication). “Leave no one behind” : Techno-ecofeminism, intersectional youth climate justice, and Green Hope. Edited volume, Intersectional Changemakers. Edited by Emma Frances Bloomfield and José Castro-Sotomayer.

Cunningham, C. M., Crandall, H. M. The Climate Girl Effect: Fridays, Flint, and Fire (2022). by Lexington Books

Satterwhite, R., Sarid, A., Cunningham, C. M., Goryunova, E., Crandall, H. M., Morrison, J. L., Sheridan, K., Miller, M. (2020). Contextualizing our Leadership Education Approach to Complex Problem Solving: Shifting Paradigms and Evolving Knowledge: Priority 5 of the National Leadership Education Research Agenda 2020–2025. Journal of Leadership Studies, 14(3), pp. 63-71.

Vanhorn, S., Ward, S. M., Weismann, K. M., Crandall, H., Ruele, J., Leonard, R. (2019). Exploring Active Learning Theories, Practices, and Contexts. Communication Research Trends, 38(3)5-24.

Crandall, H., & Cunningham, C. M. (2018). Playing for change: Rhetorical strategies in human rights video games. Relevant Rhetoric, 9, 1-26

Cunningham, C. M., & Crandall, H. M., Dare, A. M. (2017). Gender, communication, and the leadership gap is the 6th volume in the Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice series published by the International Leadership Association. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.