Joe Johnston, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Department Chair of Sociology & Criminology

Joe enjoys integrating community engaged learning in a range of his courses including: (a) a Sociology of Education course in which students enjoy early morning walks with elementary school children, (b) an internships class for Sociology and Criminology...

Portrait of Joe Johnston, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology

Contact Information

Education & Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D. Sociology, Indiana University-Bloomington

M.A. Sociology, Indiana University-Bloomington

M.A. Teaching, Marian College

B.A. Sociology, Marian College

Courses Taught

SOCI 101: Introduction to Sociology

SOCI 202: Statistics for Social Science

SOCI 385: Law and Society

SOCI 388: Sociology of Education

SOCI/CRIM 497: Seminar

SOSJ 280: Special Topics

SOSJ 499: Solidarity and Social Justice Praxis

Joe enjoys integrating community engaged learning in a range of his courses including: (a) a Sociology of Education course in which students enjoy early morning walks with elementary school children, (b) an internships class for Sociology and Criminology students, (c) the Solidarity and Social Justice 499 Praxis course, and (d) accompanying students on the Justice in January immersion trip to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Joe’s research focuses on understanding urban inequalities in K-12 public schools in the United States. Recently, he has investigated how urban educational policies—charter schools, integration plans, school finance reform—come to be adopted, or not. His research has appeared in the Journal of School Choice, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Sociological Perspectives, Sociology of Education, and Teaching Sociology.