Or First Letter of Last Name
Dr. Stephen Warren

Stephen Warren, Ph.D.

Stock photo of Dr. Jeff Watson

Jeff Watson, Ph.D.


Gary R. Weber, Ph.D., P.E.

  • Director, Engineering Management; Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
  • (509) 313-3526
  • weberg@gonzaga.edu
Dr. Gary Weber

Gary Weber, Ph.D.

Kimberly Weber

Kimberly Weber, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Special Education, & Department Chair of Special Education; Director of B.Ed. Special Education
  • (509) 313-3661
  • weberk@gonzaga.edu
Dr. Timothy Weidel

Timothy Weidel, Ph.D.

Portrait of Associate Professor of History Julie Weiskopf.

Julie Weiskopf, Ph.D.

Dr. Anastasia Wendlinder

Anastasia Wendlinder, Ph.D.


James Weston, M.S., P.E.

Profile Photo of Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Hays Whitlatch

Hays Whitlatch, Ph.D.

Addy Wissel

Addy Wissel, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor & Chair, Counselor Education; Director of School Counseling
  • (509) 313-3851
  • wissel@gonzaga.edu
John Wolfe, Ph.D.

John Wolfe, Ph.D.

Julie Wolter, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Julie Wolter, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Dr. Nancy Worsham

Nancy L. Worsham, Ph.D.

Dr. Lee Wurm

Lee Wurm, Ph.D.

Clint Wutzke

Clint Wutzke, PhD

Search by First Letter of Last Name