Faith & Reason Events

**Video recordings of selected Institute events, including Fr Robert Spitzer’s talks in February 2023 on God and suffering and February 2024 on science and faith, can be found on the Institute’s YouTube channel.


Fall 2024 Events

FFP 2024 Title

Faith, Film, and Philosophy 2024 is a week of events centered on the theme "Spiritual Film Themes in a Secular Age" running from Monday, October 7 to Friday, October 11. Featured speakers include Michael P. Foley (Honors College, Baylor University), Duane Armitage (Philosophy, Scranton University), and Brian B. Clayton (Philosophy Emeritus, Gonzaga University). Events also include a public film screening and panel and a student panel.

The Faith, Film, and Philosophy 2024 Seminar gathers 12-15 scholars to read, discuss, and develop work on the topic "Spiritual Film Themes in a Secular Age" over Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12.




Spring 2024 Events

A series of events on Faith, Science, and the Bible is planned for Spring 2025. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.