
Portrait of Dr. Melissa Click

Melissa A. Click, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor & Department Chair of Communication Studies
  • (509) 313-5974
  • click@gonzaga.edu
Profile Photo of Professor Heather Crandall

Heather Crandall, Ph.D.

Portrait of Rebecca Donaway, Ph.D.

Rebecca Donaway, Ph.D.

Jeremiah Favara, Ph.D.

Jeremiah Favara, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies
  • (509) 313-3923
  • favara@gonzaga.edu
Dr. Joseph Flores

Joseph Flores, Ph.D.

Portrait of Glen Frappier, M.S., Senior Lecturer of Communication Studies & Director of Debate

Glen Frappier, M.S.

Jeremy Gordon, Ph.D.

Jeremy G. Gordon, Ph.D.

Portrait of Juliane Mora, Ph.D.

Juliane Mora, Ph.D.

Kris Morehouse, Ph.D.

Kristina Morehouse, M.S.

Portrait of Jaishikha Nautiyal, Lecturer of Communication Studies at Gonzaga University

Jaishikha Nautiyal, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Omari, J.D., Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Law, Affiliate of Communication Studies Department
  • (509) 313-4937
  • omari@gonzaga.edu
Professor of Communication Studies, Tony Osborne, Ph.D.

Tony A. Osborne, Ph.D.

Dr. Karen Petruska

Karen Petruska, Ph.D.

Dr. Jonathan P. Rossing

Jonathan P. Rossing, Ph.D.

  • Associate Dean, Professor of Communication Studies, Mock Trial Advisor
  • (509) 313-6958
  • rossing@gonzaga.edu

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