2023 Keynote Speakers
Madeline Miller attended Brown University, where she earned her BA and MA in Classics. She has taught and tutored Latin, Greek, and Shakespeare to high school students for over fifteen years. She has also studied at the University of Chicago’s Committee on Social Thought, and in the Dramaturgy department at Yale School of Drama, where she focused on the adaptation of classical texts to modern forms. She will be joining us virtually.
Sophia Connell, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy, Birkbeck University of London
Keynote Speaker Talk: A Feminist Reading of Aristotelian Hylomorphism
Sophia Connell works on Aristotle's biology and feminist readings of Aristotle. Her books, Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals (2016) and Aristotle on Women: Physiology, Psychology and Politics (2021) are published by Cambridge University Press.
Professor of Philosophy, Colby University
Keynote Speaker Talk: Sex Differentiation and Human Nature in Plato’s Timaeus
Plato's Erotic World: From Cosmic Origins to Human Death, Cambridge University Press, 2012 This book examines the fundamental importance of eros in Plato's writing, arguing that he sees the world as erotic from beginning to end, from cosmic origins to human death.
Professor of Greek and Latin, University of Michigan
Keynote Speaker Talk: Socrates between the Sheets (of papyrus) The Mystical Visions of Love in the Symposium
Damascius' Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles (Aar Religions in Translation) Sara Ahbel-Rappe. Damascius was head of the Neoplatonist academy in Athens when the Emperor Justinian shut its doors forever in 529.
Emeritus Professor, University of Newcastle, Australia
Keynote Speaker Talk: Unmarried Male Platonists on Mourning Children: Crantor’s Peri Penthous
Professor Harold Tarrant's main interests are in Greek Philosophy; aspects of Greek Comedy, especially Aristophanes; and the ancient Novel. Professor Tarrant joined the University of Newcastle in December 1993 from the School of Archaeology, Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney.
2023 Keynote Speaker Flyers & Event Program:
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