New Student Information

Welcome to the Gonzaga University School of Business Administration (GUSBA). This page contains information about the GUSBA for incoming students.

Academic Advising

  • As a new student your academic advisor is critical to your success. You should try to meet with her/him as soon as possible.
  • Once you establish a relationship with your advisor you should work at maintaining it.
  • If you have any thoughts or plans regarding study abroad, double majors, minors, and/or taking courses at other institutions please let your advisor know as soon as possible.
  • Your graduation requirements are spelled out in the appropriate University catalogue. Please make a note of which catalogue applies to you. Generally speaking the catalogue that is in effect your first semester on campus is the catalogue that will be used to determine your graduation requirements. A new edition is published every year and there is a chance that requirements differ across catalogues.

Jepson Center

  • Almost all of your business classes will be held in the Jepson Center.
  • There are classrooms on the first floor and in the basement.
  • Our three computer labs are in the basement.
  • Our Office of Academic Advising is in the basement.
  • The second floor is home to faculty offices, administrative offices, meeting rooms, and the Graduate School of Business.
  • Here are maps of the basement, the first floor and the second floor.


  • While there is no mandated computer/operating system/software package you should know that the GUSBA standard is a Windows-based system. This is especially true in BUSN 111.
  • Wireless is available throughout the building.
  • You can follow us on X (@GonzagaU_SBA), Facebook (Gonzaga University School of Business Administration page) and LinkedIn (Gonzaga University School of Business Administration group).
  • There is no GUSBA policy on the use of technology in the classroom by students. Individual professors will vary in how they manage the use of laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.
  • Canvas is the classroom management system currently used by Gonzaga University. Professors vary in how they use this resource.
  • Many of you have existing email accounts. Please note that your new zagmail address will be the default address for all official University correspondence. This will include emails from the GUSBA, the Registrar's Office as well as email sent by your professor via Canvas.

Are You a New Student with Questions?

Send a message
Jepson Center
Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA 99258-0009
1-800-986-9585 ext. 7031