Refer Form

The offices of Academic Advising & Assistance and the Center for Cura Personalis oversee the Refer Form, which combines the Early Warning System and Student of Concern form into one seamless, comprehensive program. The Refer Form is used to identify students who may be at risk academically and/or for whom you have emotional, social, or behavioral concerns.

Referrals initiate a process to identify and provide support to students who may need it. Our offices make every effort to contact referred students within 1-2 business days and that some action is taken on every form that is received.

Form submissions are not monitored outside of normal business hours, including weekends and University holidays. If you have immediate concerns about the health or safety of a student, or for the Gonzaga community, please call Campus Security & Public Safety at 509-313-2222, or 911.

For questions about the program, or to refer via phone, please contact our offices using the information here:

Center for Cura Personalis

Crosby 216 | 509-313-2227 |

The primary focus of the staff in CCP is to support students through social, emotional, physical, and mental challenges, connect them to appropriate campus and community resources, promote growth in self-advocacy, and empower students to build confidence in their ability to navigate toward their own solutions. Case managers work collaboratively across the institution and in the Spokane community to develop support plans that provide a caring and comprehensive student experience, Case managers will meet one-on-one with the students you refer to help identify stressors and make a plan for holistic well-being outside of the classroom to enable success within the classroom.

Academic Advising and Assistance

Foley 122 | 509-313-4072 |

The primary focus of the staff in AAA is to empower students to be active and independent learners in pursuit of their academic success. Academic advisors provide academic support in the form of in-class instruction, partnerships with campus resources, and individual academic advising sessions with the goal of creating a comprehensive approach to student support. Academic advisors will meet individually with students you refer to provide advising, registration assistance, academic recovery options, and academic policy navigation.

Provide as much information as possible in the form below, so we may best serve our students.