Helpful CORE Curriculum Documents

Check out some of our helpful resources to guide you through your academic journey.
Gonzaga University cultivates reflective, responsible individuals rooted in Jesuit, Catholic, humanist traditions. We develop students whose knowledge, skills, habits of mind and spirituality enable them to grow in the service of faith and the promotion of justice. Download a copy of the Baccalaureate Learning Goals.

The Core Integration Seminar (CIS) is taken during students' senior year and offers a culminating core experience in which they integrate the principles of Jesuit education, prior components of the core, and their disciplinary expertise. Some CIS courses may also count toward a student’s major or minor. The CIS is offered by multiple departments across the University.

Download the list of sample core integration seminars.



Interested in our Summer Session program? We offer two six-week sessions, a choice of online or on-campus courses and many University Core options. Learn more here.

See our University Core Summer Offerings for available courses each session.