
Or First Letter of Last Name
Portrait of David H. Calhoun, Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy

David H. Calhoun, Ph.D.

Richard Callahan, Ph.D.

Richard J. Callahan, Jr., Ph.D.

Portrait of Dr. Richard Cangelosi, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Richard Cangelosi, Ph.D.

Annmarie Caño

Annmarie Caño, Ph.D.

Portrait of Kevin Chambers

Kevin Chambers, Ph.D.

Gary Chang, Associate Professor of Biology

Gary Chang, Ph.D.

Gloria (I-Ling) Chien, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religious Studies

Gloria (I-Ling) Chien, Ph.D.

Jay Ciaffa

Jay Ciaffa, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor and Department of Philosophy Co-Chair
  • (509) 313-3956
  • ciaffa@gonzaga.edu
Profile photo of Professor Ciasullo

Ann M. Ciasullo, Ph.D.

  • Core Director, Professor of English and Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
  • (509) 313-5955
  • ciasullo@gonzaga.edu
Father Timothy Clancy

Fr. Timothy Clancy

Portrait of Emily Clark, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Religious Studies; Director of Undergraduate Programs

Emily Clark, Ph.D.

Dr. David Cleary

David Cleary, Ph.D.

Portrait of Dr. Melissa Click

Melissa A. Click, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor & Department Chair of Communication Studies
  • (509) 313-5974
  • click@gonzaga.edu
Portrait of John Collett, M.A.

John Collett, M.A.

Bronze Bulldog outside of McCarthy Center

Gregory Collinge, Ph.D.

Portrait of Brian Cooney, Ph.D., Professor of English & Director of Center for Public Humanities, Gonzaga University.

Brian Cooney, Ph.D.

Profile Photo of Professor Vesta Coufal

Vesta Coufal, Ph.D.

Profile Photo of Professor Heather Crandall

Heather Crandall, Ph.D.

picture of Shannen Cravens near Lake Arthur on campus

Shannen Cravens, Ph.D.

Jeff Cronk

Jeff Cronk, Ph.D.

Eric Cunningham

Eric P. Cunningham, Ph.D.

Search by First Letter of Last Name